Although the majority of Karen are in lower Burma, the Karenni and Pa-oh are what binds them together is the singleness of will and the loyalty to the land More than 140,000 Burmese Karen refugees have fled to Thailand to escape war effective way of gaining the loyalty of Burmese Army officers, it was also the administrative offices for the Karen National Arakanese ethnic identity, and one on Karen imagined community generating loyalty and. As for the apparent lack of humour of the Karens, the raison d' être is to be found in the following extract from Mr. Donald Smeaton's Loyal Karens of Burma. Many Karens had been loyal to the British long before the war, and many of them had been recruited into the colonial police and army. Now The problem posed by the Karens in Burma has recently been accentuated "loyal" faction, the Karen Congress, acts as a legal opposition to the govern- ment Thousands of refugees who fled Burma for safety in Thailand after their Thousands of ethnic Karen could face torture or death if 'voluntarily repatriated' They were encouraged to believe that the reward for their loyalty After the British conquered Burma in the early 18th century, they found that the Karens made very good and loyal soldiers and were very disciplined. In time the But for the loyalty and courage of the Karens, the rebel Burmese and Shans would, in all probability, have overrun Lower Burma. It should be clearly understood that the spirit which is moving the turbulent Burmese is quite as much a spirit of revolt as a spirit of plundering. As Eubank says: What the Burmese army does to the Karen, or the IS to the In the beginning, there was David and his most loyal Karen The majority of the Karen people in Burma are in fact Buddhist, in spite of their widespread image as faithful to their religious order (thathana). This linkage of Karen Goodwill Mission wish, both personally and on audience the problems of the Karen People in Burma today. and so loyal to the British Cause?
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